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Hey There

I'm Mile Manev, a Melbourne-based photographer with a passion for capturing the natural and urban beauty of Australia, as well as the enchanting vistas of the night sky and the vibrant energy of live concerts.

The natural beauty of Australia inspired me to take a greater interest in landscape photography. I use every spare moment to travel to locations I want to document, discovering the history and beauty of this fascinating country.

I also have a profound interest in Astro photography, capturing star trails and Milky Way photos that showcase the awe-inspiring expanse of the cosmos. Additionally, my passion extends to concert-stage photography, capturing the dynamic energy and raw emotions of live performances. I often find myself on the streets of Melbourne, capturing cityscapes, street scenes, architectural details, and the vibrant atmosphere of concerts.

I was born in 1979 in Radoviš(Macedonia), the city where I spent a significant part of my childhood. From an early age, I became a great lover of nature and hiking. In 1999, life took me to Skopje, where I discovered my passion for photography. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a profession when I began working in a photo studio.

For the last nearly ten years before my relocation, I worked as a video editor in the news department at Kanal 5. This experience allowed me to sharpen my technical skills and contribute to the development of the media scene in Macedonia.

In 2016, my family and I moved to Melbourne, Australia. Here, my career in photography took a completely new direction. I now work as a photographer, videographer, and drone pilot, primarily in the real estate sector, and am the proud owner of Miles Media.

Photography is more than just my profession—it's a source of joy and a pivotal part of my life. Through experimenting with long exposures, I delve into the element of time, transforming it into a vital dimension of my photos. This approach has evolved into my unique tool for creative expression.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope my photographs inspire you to see the world with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.

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